How I work with clients
I teach you how to take care of yourself
It’s not just what we know, it’s what we actually DO and incorporate into our lives that makes a big difference. Learn tweaks to make and rituals to add in to point you in the right direction for your wellbeing. From how to open up space to relax and release stress, to implementing a morning routine that sets you up for a productive and happy day, to grocery organization, cooking and enjoying delicious food with ease, learn grounding skills that you can take with you for the rest of your life.
I meet you where you are, without judgment
We’re all on different parts of our own journeys, and have our own unique intentions. I accept each client as they are. Focusing on each client’s personal goals and desired lifestyle, I offer specific and strategic structure to guide you to where you want to be.
I support you as a “whole” person
A holistic approach that takes mind, body and spirit into account is most effective. Emotional or energetic issues may show up on the physical plane and vice versa. While food is foundational, I also make recommendations with regard to supplements and lifestyle practices, such as sleep, movement, elimination, and mindset.
I nurture the digestive system
We’ve all heard, “you are what you eat,” but that’s not the full story — in fact, you are what you’re able to digest! Many of us have depleted digestive systems from factors like stress, an inflammatory diet, and medications like antibiotics. Digestion ultimately affects the health of the whole body, so reducing leaky gut, and improving the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of toxins, is key.
Why the name “Kale and Tequila”?
Kale and Tequila speaks to the “yin and yang” duality of life and the opposing forces — like hot and cold or acidic and alkaline — that we balance to support homeostasis. I’m not a perfect angel when it comes to health and nutrition. And I don’t expect you to be either.
It’s not about making what you think is the most “perfect” choice every single time. It’s about aligning with what will best serve you in the present moment and what you want to achieve, and that is so much more motivating.
Reaching your goals is not an all or nothing deal. It’s not about restriction, or discipline, or pain and suffering!
It’s about strategy. Where are you now, and how do you want to evolve? I provide light structure and direction to guide you there.
It’s about self love and intuition. Accepting ourselves, and learning how to nurture, take care of and listen to our bodies and what we want.
And... it’s about fun! Self improvement and self care don’t need to be serious. After all, our journeys are ultimately about feeling better, enjoying our food and our lives, and stepping more fully into our most authentic, beautiful selves. And that is something to celebrate!
My story
Angela Ranelli, MA, RHN
I’ve always loved food and had a healthy appetite — and I’ve always been curious about how and why we eat the way we do. I studied historical, psychoanalytic, and food theory during my Master’s at NYU, and for my thesis, I explored the origins of modern food anxiety from the neolithic revolution to present. My vested interest in nutrition and its effect on health, however, wasn’t fully piqued until I started experiencing digestive issues myself.
In 2009, I was living in New York City and had just finished school and started my first job (in corporate communications), when I started having extreme stomach pain, digestive distress, and allergic symptoms such as rashes. After a trip to the ER, consulting with a primary care physician and a gastroenterologist, and spending thousands on an endoscopy and colonoscopy, I received my test results of “mild inflammation” and was left with little direction on next steps or how to improve my digestive system and relieve my symptoms. After awhile, I ended up back at my PCP with extreme bloating and a stomach that was painful to touch.
Thankfully, he finally referred me to a nutritionist, and after only a few hundred dollars as opposed to thousands, I had an understanding of what was causing my issues and how to adjust my diet and lifestyle to feel better. Finally someone who actually helped me — with ease! From then on I understood the power of nutrition and being cognizant of how to take care of myself. This experience inspired me to pursue my degree as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.
I have also experienced extreme anxiety and debilitating clinical depression. When I was dealing with the worst of it, my psychiatrist at the time and a family member encouraged me to go on antidepressants and a tranquilizer. Maybe those drugs helped me “get through” that time as I was promised, but to be honest, I didn’t notice much of a difference besides feeling extra numb, and gaining 7-10 pounds without any dietary or lifestyle changes.
Noticing that the meds weren’t helping me and also with an interest in more holistic methods of healing, I weaned myself off the prescriptions and focused on taking care of myself with practices like meditation, exercise, nutrition, and self introspection by getting to know myself and what I wanted for my life. That’s when I really started to see improvement in my mental health (and easily lost the weight).
While we all have our days or “negative” emotions to express at times, I have learned how to stay in a much higher and more consistent mood and mental state. And believe me, it’s worth the journey to get here! We can all easily welcome in less of a stress response, and more self love, happiness, and acceptance of and alignment with who we truly are. We simply have to give ourselves the tools and the space and grace to do so — you can do it holistically and I am here to help! Reducing anxiety and depression and supporting a more positive mental state is something I’m truly passionate about helping my clients with.
I currently live in Denver, Colorado with my fiancé, and I love to cook and eat beautiful food, indulge in restaurants, travel, read, hike and spend time in nature.
Human Design Reader, Victoria Jane’s certification program
PHS Human Design course, Dayluna
Registered Holistic Nutritionist, The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
Master of Arts, Humanities and Social Thought, New York University
Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies, Virginia Tech